Thursday, April 18, 2013

I sold a book!

I did, I sold a book - only one, but my first one and so it is very special :) So far my book is still only on Smashwords, although it was accepted yesterday into the Premium catalogue. That means that in around two weeks, it will be in the catalogues of the stores to which Smashwords distributes. These are: Apple, Sony, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Diesel, Baker & Taylor Blio, Library Direct, Baker-Taylor Axis360. I have to wait a few days to upload to Amazon unfortunately, but since it will be a week or two before the other retailers get it on their catalogues, it should be about the same time frame. So next week, I will start on contacting the book reviewers and asking them to read and review it. And I'll do all those other things on my rather long list of things I've prepared.

For these few days I'll focus on the new book. I'm pretty happy with myself because I've got the first few chapters re-written, and I can move on with the rest of the book, which is coming together in my head rather fast. I don't exactly know how it's developing, only that it is. It's as I've said before, I don't know what I will write until I write it. I know that it is forming inside my head, and I know that when I sit down to write it will come out of my fingers. I have no idea how it gets from my brain to my fingers because I don't actually think the words, they just come (kind of like some conversations, where I'm completely surprised by what I've just said). The only way I can describe it is that there is a pressure, a feeling of something formed that I need to get written. So I write. And when I write, when I stop procrastinating and get on with it, the rest of the world disappears. When I stop writing I feel very disoriented because my brain is still in the world I am creating on the screen, and the real world looks like an alien planet!

You know, I never realised how weird I am until I started writing this blog :)

Today's picture is one I took on the Gooseponds a couple of days ago while I was waiting for my friend Clare. She runs the Gooseponds these days, but sometimes she walks with me - I prefer to walk!

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