Tuesday, May 21, 2013

random thoughts

This is going to be one of those blogs where I have no idea what I'm going to write about. I'm just going to let my fingers loose and see what I come up with. Today has been a rather difficult day, for a variety of reasons and the end result is a smashing headache. I have no doubt it is a tension headache, since it has been a rather tense day. I often wonder though, why tension headaches don't happen every time I feel tense. Sometimes I can have a horrible day full of dramas and difficulties, but I don't get a headache or any other physical effect. Other days, like today, my head goes into revolt and I develop a smashing headache and a sick feeling in my stomach.

The brain is a mystery to me, how it functions, how it thinks, how it processes information. Well my brain is a mystery to me anyway. Why is it that sometimes I can have a bad day and suffer no ill effects, and other times I crash and burn. Today I can't write because this headache is muffling my mind, like there is a dark fog inside it - or maybe barbed wire that has curled around my thought processes and every time I try to think it tightens and causes pain.

Yesterday I had a great day, in terms of writing. I sat in my bed and wrote seamlessly for hours last night. Of course since I was working on the werewolf book this meant that I completely freaked myself out and had a little trouble sleeping afterwards! I hope that means it's going well, if what I am writing is giving me the heebie jeebies late at night. But today, not a word. I'm writing this blog in the hopes that if I get some words out my headache might lessen. Vain hope I'm sure, but writing grounds me so it will help to alleviate the tension if nothing else.

For me, I need to get words out of my head by writing. I don't have a need to talk a lot, I can go hours without saying a word to anyone and be quite happy. In fact I need alone time every day or I go a little nuts. Time to myself without having to talk to anyone is very precious to me. My son, however, is a completely different fish. He doesn't need to write, he NEEDS to talk. And talk he does, and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. Drives me completely bananas. We have just watched a movie together and he talked ALL the way through it. He once told a teacher that he needed to talk a lot because his head was full of words and he needed to get them out. Kind of like me but way, way louder.

When he thinks he talks. Before he thinks he talks. While he's thinking he talks. He's sure to be Prime Minister or something where being able to talk about any subject on the fly without actually saying anything is a real asset. He's going to go a long way if he can ever marshal his very active brain into a single direction instead of multiple strands at once. That is of course, if he lives past childhood and some days that's debatable.

Everybody's minds work differently. We all have different ways to relax, different triggers for stress and anxiety, different needs for a peaceful life. In short we are all different and as I have said before that's a good thing as it would be very boring if we were all the same. But tolerance is what I've been thinking about today. If we were all more tolerant of each other surely there would be more peace in the world. With tolerance comes empathy, and empathy would mean kindness, which would surely even out the current terrible imbalance between those who have everything and more than they need, and those who have not even shoes for their feet.

Needs and wants, you can get all you want but if you don't have what you need, those wants are pretty empty. Needs are the things that bring peace and contentment and they are not things like a flash car or huge television. You don't need those things. You do need a roof over your head, enough food, the ability to pay the bills, the people who make you smile, and more than anything, peace and contentment with who and what you are. If you don't like yourself, nothing else will bring happiness, or peace, or contentment.

So I guess that's the subject of this blog, learn to like yourself and everything else will follow :)

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