Day nineteen: This morning I discovered that my book The
Story of a Street Cat Called Sabrina had been stolen and was being promoted on
a website for a free read. I can’t decide if I’m pleased somebody thought it
good enough to steal, or if I’m annoyed somebody thought it good enough to
steal. I’ve sent a message to the offending page requesting that they take it
down immediately. It seems I’m not the first as their contact page even has a
place to paste the URL to the book so they can remove it. Oh and I’ve just
found it on another website and sent a message to them too.
Sabrina’s book is a simple story, telling the story of what
might have happened to her that caused her to end up alone. Of course I don’t
know her story, so I wrote a little piece of fiction that surmised what may
have happened. It sells steadily and has garnered six reviews in the main
Amazon store. Did you know that reviews in other Amazon stores are only visible
in that store? One of those reviews is by a top reviewer on Amazon which is
quite a coup considering I didn’t even request a review from her.
An excerpt from the book follows:
She was starved in more ways than one. She was physically
starved and ate anything that the woman gave her with gratitude. She drank
water, used the litter tray and tried to clean her fur. But she was also
emotionally starved. She was a kitten who had lost her mother and then her
siblings. She had been chased, hit, kicked and frightened. She had spent a long
time alone when she should have been with a family. She was starved of affection
and took every opportunity to sit in this woman’s lap, needing the comfort of
touch as much as she needed food.
And part of the review from Gisela Hausmann, the top Amazon
What makes this book
outstanding is that Sheryl does not stop with telling the story; she added an
afterword, showing real pictures of real stray cats in Egypt. She points out
what should be done to curb the problem.
The following paragraph from the book will resonate with every adoptive parent of any pet,
“… That she still approached the woman who found her tells a great deal about her capacity for love. The kitten was treated very badly and had no reason to trust people, and yet she still gave unstinting friendship to the woman who found her, and unconditional love to me…”
The following paragraph from the book will resonate with every adoptive parent of any pet,
“… That she still approached the woman who found her tells a great deal about her capacity for love. The kitten was treated very badly and had no reason to trust people, and yet she still gave unstinting friendship to the woman who found her, and unconditional love to me…”
[Blogger won't put my font back to normal, sorry about that] Sabrina’s book is one I am proud of, both as a
little story and as a gentle education on caring for the street cats and the
importance of TNR (trap, neuter, release).
It’s only a short book, but lots of pics.
Tomorrow it has a promotion: .99c for a short time. If you haven’t bought it
and want to take a look here’s the link:
Just wait until the promotion starts so you can get it at .99c. The paperback is now attached to the kindle
version on Amazon so if you prefer to hold a book in your hands you can order
that instead.
I have three street cats now – Sabrina, Amadeus
and Topaz. Each of them is full of character and they all are loving and loyal
pets. I am never alone, I always have at least one by my side. Did you know
that the decibel rate at which a cat purrs is the right decibel to promote
healing in muscle and bones? And that the simple act of petting a cat lowers
your blood pressure. Having a cat as a pet is not only giving you wonderful companionship
and constant entertainment but is also beneficial to your health.
This is Amadeus, a bit of a clown
Sabrina and Amadeus are a bonded pair
Sabrina, a bit of a plotter
Topaz, the new kid and very chatty
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