Friday, October 16, 2015

Today it's all about me again - you've missed me right?

This is a short blog, just to bring you up to date on events in my life - because you want to know right?? This time it's a big trip, back to Australia for a few months. It's a long flight, I'm not at all fond of it, or the jetlag at the end. I hadn't expected to be coming back to Australia so soon, and while I'm looking forward to seeing family and friends, I have mixed feelings about returning to the country. Too many bad memories there. But I guess having done it I will have put that particular monster in my mind to rest.

I've been practicing my positive thinking, refusing to think about anything negative but focusing only on the positive. As the date of departure grows closer it becomes harder to do that and I've slipped up a few times. But I do feel that the steps back are far less than the steps forward, and so overall I believe I am improving my mindset. If I want good things to happen I need to focus on them, and not on the past, and not on the possible pitfalls. Much as I am looking forward to seeing my family and close friends, I can't wait to get back to Egypt and my cats, and my street cats. I want to be able to do more to help the street cats so I'll be trying to figure out a solution to that while I'm away.

Meanwhile I've also been designing and drawing more of the colouring book and it is getting closer all the time to being ready to publish. I hope to have it out on Amazon during November, preferably early November - that may depend on the severity of the jetlag. I have almost enough pages, so once they are done I only need to go through the hoops at CreateSpace and it will be ready!

However, funds as always being a bit tricky I have also taken the step of starting an Etsy store to sell the pages I have so far as individual digital pics. If you are interested the link is here:

The pic is the shop logo, one of my drawings that I coloured in to see how it looks. I'll add the designs as I draw them, and decide what to do with the shop once the colouring book is published. It's all rather exciting, and so far from what I would ever have imagined myself doing.

That's life isn't it, full of surprises and twists and turns. Nothing is certain, and everything passes - good times and bad. My bad times are almost all behind me now and I'm ready for the good times!

Cassie will be here on Monday as usual - well as she is usually supposed to be except for those times I fail to have her story ready on the day. But, today I have written the next part of her story and I'm going to schedule it to appear on Monday so for those of you who are Cassie readers (that's all of you, right?) check in on Monday to see how she's going. Things are starting to move in her life and she's a tad uncertain about it. 

So, my next blog will be from a much hotter climate than this. I will be going into the Australian summer, which means that I will have left summer to go to summer, and I will come back to summer. Go me...

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